Depression And Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety refer to common mood disorders that often coexist. According to Kathryn Grant, a Licensed Professional Counselor in Kansas City who works with individuals in Kansas and Missouri - depression and anxiety as solo conditions or in combination may impact one's thoughts and emotions and, eventually, may negatively affect one’s overall physical well-being.

What is Depression?

Depression refers to a mood or mental health disorder characterized by ongoing feelings of sadness and a noticeable reduction in your interest or pleasure in doing activities or things that once brought enjoyment.

Depression can be tricky because there is no single cause but nearly limitless triggers. It could be influenced by a traumatic event, biological change (such as menopause, pregnancy, or miscarriage), substance abuse, a family history, or the consequence of a life loss (loneliness), and more. Events often combine, and the depression begins to take on a downward spiral.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety refers to one’s automatic response (or a coping mechanism in which you respond physically or emotionally) that assists in adapting to life’s perceived threats – real or imaginary. Anxiety, when manifesting appropriately, is normal and even beneficial in dangerous situations.

Anxiety is problematic when it appears for no perceived threat or remains chronic after the danger has subsided. Anxiety can be further categorized as -

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – excessive worry about everyday life– relationships, work, health, etc.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder – behaviors that lead to avoidance of social situations for fear of judgment, embarrassment, or humiliation.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – obsession (persistent, unwanted thoughts) and compulsion (repetitive behaviors/ongoing mental acts) are coping behaviors that often begin as a way to reduce anxiety levels.
  • Panic Disorder – those who face unexpected intense fear/discomfort characterized by sweating, racing heart, etc.
  • Phobias- which take on many forms are powerful fears about objects or situations. Examples include height, flying, and crowds.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – the consequences of experiencing a traumatic incident. Symptoms vary but often include the following – nightmares, flashbacks, intense anxiety, and more.

Treating Depression and Anxiety

Fortunately, effective stress-management techniques, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic approaches - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - are available for clients who want to take the time to learn important personal skills to overcome the negative ways depression and anxiety can impact one’s everyday life.

Contact a Leading Kansas City, MO, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Mood disorders are complex and can be impacted by genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. For more information about our in-office or telehealth counseling options for adults throughout Kansas and Missouri, contact Kathryn Grant, LPC, at 913-940-2582, by email, or online.

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